Friday, September 19, 2008

Employee Communication And Internal Communications Relation. has been built by internal communicators for internal communicators. In building this; we simply wanted to create a place where people working in the field of internal Communications could visit and discover the latest thinking as well as share your ideas. We hope you find Internal Communications a helpful place and we encourage you to get as involved in sharing information as you want to. There has always been debate about how to structure and manage corporate communications and where various functional responsibilities should sit – across human resources, media relations, corporate social responsibility, brand, sales and marketing. And although different organizations manage this accountability in slightly different ways – sometimes internal communications sits in a corporate communications function, sometimes in the HR or marketing functions -- the lines between employees, stakeholders, customers, competitors, regulators and media have been seen to be relatively distinct. These relationships have also been relatively manageable within these distinct silos.

Most functional internal communication leaders today have come from a publishing, journalism, or PR background. And in general, internal communication functions have been managed – and often managed very effectively – as information and knowledge publishers. Of course, most internal communication operations are very good at managing “two way communication,” ensuring that employee surveys track how things are going and what drives the right results to the bottom line; supporting senior leaders and line managers in their communication roles; providing opportunities for the employee to be heard. “Best Practice” is well and truly bedded in, and blogs, forum, and news for the corporation are all adding new approaches to the mix. has been designed to do just that. By encouraging anyone in the industry to submit content, contribute in the Forum, share relevant and useful links, we are creating a community which enables us to help each other. Whether you need urgent hands-on support, a strategy for a major change project, a suite of channels, or just have a feeling your communications could be better, give us a call. We'd be delighted to meet with you and share our ideas. Called 'Tone from the Top', I have begun a program of interviewing senior business leaders and asking them what they think about internal comms and the value of having a dedicated internal communications team. But rather than try to summaries their words, I have created a podcast where you can download the actual interview and hear their thoughts, straight from the horse's mouth. It got me thinking about what IC really is all about.
I remember only a couple of years ago having a debate with a director of IC about renaming the IC department to Internal Marketing. The rationale at that time was that people were so disengaged with the communications that were being sent out, that the only way to re-engage them was to start making it interesting. So what better way to do this then starts applying the principles of marketing? Treat your internal people as customers and then use the same techniques as you would in a traditional marketing campaign - ie run internal advertising, competitions, lavish, high budget award dinners and conferences usually reserved for only the most deserving of clients, and mini intranet sites to promote the launch of some new internal program.

By: wright

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Gatehouse Internal Communications Group work with leaders, managers and in-house communicators, in the UK and globally, to help shape their organisation's culture, provides services for Internal Communication,Employee Communication Consultancy, Communication Research,Corporate Communication Management , mobilise employees behind change.

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