Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Creative Writing Ideas

If you really love to write, thinking of creative writing ideas should be easy . Sometimes it is, but other times you get trapped by writer’s block. Most often, writer’s block stops you while you are writing something, maybe an article or novel, and you can’t think of what to write next. This is writer’s block, but sometimes you need ideas on what to write in the first place. A lack of ideas can really get you stuck in your tracks when you want to start writing.

If you want some creative writing ideas and like fiction, you should try your hand at some short stories. Even if you come up with an idea that you think is dumb, give it a try and write. If it doesn’t work out, it won’t be so bad because it was only a short story and didn’t take you a long time . You might find that the stupid idea you came up with turned into a wonderful story.

For specific ideas, search around you. Pay attention to people around you. Listen to their conversations. If it’s interesting, maybe you could write about it? Pick a surrounding you are familiar with, maybe at school, work, or a favorite destination and build a story around it. Choose a park you go to often and write a whole story about it. You could use the people you meet and know as your characters, or only use their situations. It is your choice.

What about your dreams? If you dream often and can remember your dreams, think about how you could make a story out of them . If you have odd dreams and love to write fantasy or sci-fi, this might be great for you. You could write down your dream word for word and then add to it. Or, you could just find one idea from it. Maybe a character, idea, or small event will pop into your head because of a dream you had.

Think about what happens to you and what has happened to you in the past in your life. If you keep a diary or journal, read through it and see if you can find some ideas. If you don’t keep a journal, start keeping a journal for ideas in the future. It is a wonderful . Look back at the most amusing or most interesting thing that has ever happened to you and write it into a story. If you think your life is full of drama, maybe it is full of enough drama to make an interesting dramatic story.

If you ever run out of creative writing ideas, all you have to do is look around. Give yourself some time and you will think of something. Even if you start an idea that you don’t really like, you might think of a better one in the process. Even if you already have an idea, when new ones comes to mind , write them down for future stories and projects. You will thank yourself. Whatever you decide, just keep writing.

Do you want even more creative writing ideas? Find more great information about writing at ExpressitinWords.com. Start writing today!

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Source: www.articledepot.co.uk

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