Monday, November 8, 2010

Resolving Work Place Conflicts

Resolving Work Place Conflicts is very important to have a stress free work environment and also to pull off your work smoothly.
One can be the best in behavior, attitude and personality, but you never know how and when you rub off on the wrong side, and without your knowledge you end up have conflicts, disagreements and dispute with fellow employees.
There are different ways of dealing with differences; most are in favor of ignoring any such differences and minding your own business. But, the question is, is it possible to work hassle free with an intense environment around you. Sometimes it is OK, but most times, it builds up into a very toxic environment and could cause immense pressure.
So it is best to deal with it in the initial stages. The simplest way of dealing with it is by opening an honest discussion with the perceived counterpart. Remember there are always 2 sides to a coin. You are familiar with yours, now is the time to familiarize with the flip side. That throws a lot of insight to what could be the core issue for the tension.
You could start a discussion by stating what you think is the problem, beware not to set a blaming tone. State your point of view and why you believe so in a blunt and straightforward fashion. Now this give the other employee a cushioning ground to open up.
Facilitate by asking questions.
Let them talk, don't interrupt or argue. Try to understand where they are coming from.
Give them feedback as you what your understanding of the situation is.
Actually speaking if you go far, you are close to the solution.
It is possible that there is no actual problem at all, most of the time it is all perceived based on one's personal views. So it becomes very important that you set aside your emotional views, your personal judgment of the person based on his behavior etc. Just stick to work related aspects.
Gain the person faith by acknowledging his point of view and getting an agreement on the problem.
You have reached a stage where both understand each other better and so you start discussing the possible solutions to settle a dispute
At the end of this discussion you will understand that each of you were right in your own ways and was simply trying to do your jobs better. Once you have clear and logical understanding of your roles and how it affects each other, come to a solution that is acceptable for both and is the best way to carry out a task.
Ask for commitment. Maintain and practice a professional and harmonious work culture!
Nithya Mehta

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