Sunday, August 17, 2008

8 Proven Ways to Overcoming Fear of public Speaking

By: Robert Taylor
Here's your opportunity to discover how to cure fear of public speaking. Did you know that most individuals who fear public speaking are troubled about being perceived as a bad speaker or labeled in a negative way? Virtually all of your fears and anxiousness about public speaking is founded on ideations that have absolutely nothing to do with reality. If you ranked public speaking among fears, it is commonly ranked as the number one fear, exceeding even the fearfulness of dying. So what makes up the secret to overcoming fear of public speaking? This article will help you understand what causes that fear and provide 8 ways to overcome them.

Numerous things may stimulate the fear of public speaking. Gloss phobia or speech anxiety is the fearfulness of public speaking and perhaps related to, or occasionally to include a more intense anxiety disorder. The reasons of this anxiousness are unsuccessful ideas and anxiety-arousing situations. If you or anyone you know is hurting by this phobic disorder for public speaking it merely means that you are fearful about confronting sociable and professional situations in life. If allowed and the anxiety is serious enough, it may interfere with your power to present an adequate speech. Fortunately for some people, the benefits from being able to overcome fear of public speaking are substantial.

In that respect there are 8 proven ways/tips for superb public speaking that can help you no matter what your degree of anxiety or experience:

1. Pick out a subject that you are comfortable with, know intimately and have a passion for.

2. Always maintain a positive mental and physical attitude.

3. Make sure you set realistic goals and just keep in mind that there's no such thing as a flawless speech so it is futile to try and present one.

4. Regard the audience as a source of support and your reason for giving the presentation in the first place, not as a judge and jury hoping you will fail

5. You must never read your speech word for word (reading in public is not public speaking)

6. You should never be apologetic for anything at the beginning of your speech

7. It's important for you to know and remember that virtually all signs of nervousness are never detected by the audience but can and will appear amplified by you the speaker.

8. Use a mirror and practice in front of it or in the presence of a friend or family member. Practicing your speech in their presence will give you the opportunity to get constructive feedback from them.

The most beneficial cure for your individual responses to speech anxiety is one or a combination that works out best for you individually. The common difficulties of public speaking are removed because you will be concentrating on the fundamental principles listed above and not the actual act of speaking.

Finally, you must understand that there are additional concepts and techniques that you will need to utilize that will help make you a better public speaker. Overcoming fear of public speaking and learning how to cure fear of public speaking is just the first step. You can find plenty of valuable suggestions and tips in addition to strategies that you will be able to apply immediately so that you can feel confident about taking the second step to public speaking success.

Discover more about how to cure fear of public speaking and find out all about overcoming fear of public speaking Take the second step to public speaking success at

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